Saturday, November 26, 2011

Selamat Hari Guru

SELAMAT Hari Guru. Yah, emang telat, seharusnya saya mengatakan itu sehari yang lalu. 25 November diperingati setiap tahunnya untuk apresiasi terhadap kerja keras mereka menciptakan calon dokter, calon presiden, calon arsitek, calon guru, dan banyak kader2 masa depan lainnya.

Jasa seorang guru sangatlah besar, sangat mungkin kita tidak dapat membalasnya. Menjadi seorang murid yang serius ketika beliau menerangkan pelajaran, merupakan apresiasi yg besar bagi mereka.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bob Marley on how to Love a Woman

“You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She’s not perfect - you aren’t either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don’t hurt her, don’t change her, don’t analyze and don’t expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she’s not there.”


Wednesday, November 9, 2011


"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein